631-406-7600 info@sugarmanlawpc.com

After A Loss: Your Guide To Legal Matters And How To Prepare

Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult. You are grieving, planning for family members and friends to come into town, making decisions regarding funeral services and memorials, and maybe facing financial hardships. It’s a time of stress, overwhelm, and great sadness. The last...

I’m Back!

What happens to your estate and assets when you pass away? Who will take care of your minor children if you pass away or can no longer take care of them? Who will make medical decisions for you if you are unable to communicate? This is the perfect topic to kick off my return...

Milestones + Your Attorney

Major milestones in your life happen either by plan, or when you least expect it, and your attorney is one person you can turn to when those moments occur for support.

5 P’s To Review This Year

We are a couple of months into the new year and it's a great time to examine 5 very important P’s in your life.

Foreclosures, Your Options And The New Laws Passed In New York

There are two new items I wanted to share with you this month, in regards to foreclosures.

Happy Holidays!

As we close out 2022, it's a good time to reflect.

Consumer Protection Law: You Have Rights!

Any time an individual has a contract with a company or organization, are purchasing something, using a service, and become obligated to pay a debt, you are a consumer and you have rights.

Real Estate ABCs: The Final Installment

I hope you have found the past two months’ newsletters helpful. We complete our series on some common real estate terminology, either as a buyer or a seller. We kick it off with Letter Q.

Real Estate ABCs Continued

Last month, we began our series on some common real estate terminology I hope you find helpful to know, either as a buyer or a seller. This month we continue our series and kick it off with the letter “I”

Real Estate ABCs

It’s back to school time, so I thought we would get in on the fun and do an ABCs of real estate series! Stay tuned over the next few months, as we complete the alphabet.